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Project Positivity Education

Inspiring and empowering everyone to bring positive change to our education system


Our English education system is functioning but it functions in a way which can limit creativity, be too test focused, cause avoidable mental health issues and kill the joy of learning. Project Positivity Education aims to inspire and empower everyone to bring positive change to our education system in a way that supports human thriving. 

Join the chorus for change

Open to all, personal opinion pieces give you the opportunity to share your unique perspective on, and experience with, our English education system in 250 words or less and to have it amplified across Project Positivity's platforms.

'Pancakes' - a recipe for human thriving

Underpinning Project Positivity Education's mission is a broader desire to encourage human thriving. 'Pancakes' illustrates this in an easy to understand and visually engaging way. 

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